Your prayers are being answered. Thank you for interceding.
We left USA on time and were able to take all our bags at no cost. We made all our flights and arrived on time in Kigali, Rwanda. We received all our bags. Sadock had fresh pineapple, bananas, special prepared peanuts and water waiting in our apartment. It is nice. On Wednesday we spent the day in Kigali which is the capital.
- Stamping and preparing tracts.
- Challenge and instructions.
- Genocide Memorial – great presentation of the genocide of 1994
- Belgian Memorial of Genocide – passing out tracts and witnessing
- Changed money – 906 Rwandese francs to 1 dollar
- Bought souvenirs – witnessing and passing out tracts
- Lunch – African buffet – $5 for meal and coke
- Site for new church in Kigali – ground has been leveled and water brought.
- Prayed and planned and rejoiced
- Bible study in Emmanuel’s house. Prayed, sang, testified, and preached. Poured down rain but we had a blessed time. It was packed.
- Picked up take away food and went to apartment.
- Pastor Tim Fellure and others went to the radio station and he preached. People
have been calling. - Much witnessing and passing out tracts today.
On Thursday:
- We had breakfasts of sorts.
- Nathan Bertram gave us the background to hymn “No Not One”
- Clinton Littleton shared his testimony about God calling him to be a missionary. Two men prayed for him in special ways.
- Traveled by van to Ruhengiri. Stopped for Rwanda fast food. No McDonalds.
- Took pictures of 3 volcanoes.
- Visited land for new church building. Building permit has been approved. Water is there. Plan to start bringing building materials next week.
- Met with future pastor, Damien, and other believers. Sited planned building.
- Prayed, sang and witnessed. People were holding out their hands for tracts as we were pulling away.
- We returned to Kigali. On the way back we stopped to stretch our legs and give out tracts.
- We met the Governor of the Northern province and had our photo made with him.
- Stopped at a little restaurant and visited shops while waiting for our food to be prepared.
- Returned to the apartment and Nathan and others went to the radio station and he preached.
Pray fervently:
- For the seed of God’s word to fall on good ground and bring fruit.
- For more laborers especially pastors and wives for pastors
- Pray for the resources to bring New Life radio to Rwanda.
- Pray for the crusade in Butare and for all of us to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Missionary Tony Stark and team